Life Legal Minnesota Annual Benefit Dinner
April 26, 2025 | 6:00 pm
Bloomington Event Center
1114 American Blvd W
Bloomington, MN 55420

Keynote Speaker Robin Sertell
Meet Robin Sertell, a published author, motivational speaker, ordained pastor and pro-life advocate. Before she was born, God miraculously saved her from three saline infusion abortion attempts. Her book, “Miracles Happen in the Wilderness”, provides a snapshot into the goodness of God in her life, as she conveys her story about the power of forgiveness.
Frequently testifying for pro-life legislation and contributing to The Epoch Times, Fox and Friends, and other news outlets, her message creates awareness of the reality that babies survive abortions. In addition to spreading awareness, she has helped equip a number of abortion survivors from around the world to share their own stories. She has also worked to support her local pregnancy resource center, and is the founder and director of Pro-Life Bitterroot, her local chapter of a growing network of pro-life organizations in her home state of Montana.
6:00 pm | Reception
6:35 pm | Dinner Buffet
7:20 pm | Program
Thank You to our Table Sponsors
Please call Life Legal at 707.224.6675 for more information.